case studies

Hydraulics Valve and Pump Build Company

Clearly defined work procedures ensured consistent employee job performance and continued ISO compliance.

Challenge -

Regional hydraulics valve and pump build company lacked a documented Quality Performance Management system, clearly defined job performance standards, and consistent training standards, resulting in inconsistent finished products and shipment delays to key customers. In addition, they were facing the potential of losing their ISO compliance.

Solution -

EMDS worked with each business unit owner to define current business processes. We then engaged with the company’s employees to create operating procedures utilizing simple to read and understand flowcharts that captured how the work was to be performed and ensured the system was 100% ISO compliant.  After establishing the new system, we partnered in conducting a company-wide training roll-out to ensure awareness and understanding throughout the organization. 

Outcomes & Benefits -

Customers received consistent finished parts, on time. Internally, employees were provided clear expectations, guidelines and reference material on how work was to be performed. ISO Compliance became easier to achieve and maintain with an established, documented quality management system in place.

Compliance Consulting, Hydraulic Systems

Regional Baby Food Manufacturer

Updated and maintained drawing system streamlines resource access for contractors and facilitates safer working conditions.

Challenge -

A regional baby food manufacturer’s drawing system lacked organization and control, making it difficult to locate files and archive out-of-date drawings. As a result, contract engineering groups required field verification of everything, adding uncertainty and introducing potential safety hazards. Company IT Security protocol didn’t allow use of non-company developed software systems, limiting system solution options.

Solution -

Reviewed, organized and renamed existing files. Verified all critical drawings with the field for accuracy and current versions. Established a standard operating procedure to inform internal and external resources how to locate, check-out, create, modify and check-in drawings. Provided training to key personnel on standards and updated file storage system. Created an AutoCAD menu system with blocks, macros, and lisp command to simplify document creation and modification. Continue to maintain drawing control system remotely, providing support as needed to keep current.

Outcomes & Benefits -

The current system is utilized by maintenance and engineering contractors as their primary source of information prior to starting a new project or performing maintenance on a system. With system procedures in place, maintenance and contractors trust that the information is current and accurate, allowing them to work safely. The new system meets Company IT Security protocol and is simple to maintain.